
So it's official....its the summer

Like the title says "it's official...it's the summer" and so far we are off to a good start. The kids started camp last monday and so far so good! I am back at work full time and have been for quite some time and just plugging forward. This past weekend we went for dinner with the pilpels and then the kids went back to see the puppies...which for the most part were quite well behaved except for princess who just barked and barked....i dont think she likes kids :( either that or she just likes to hear herself!

For fathers day jeff made us breakfast and then we just hung out all day and did absolutley nothing!!!! Although the kids talked us into going out for dinner so who are we to argue??!!

Then on monday i had to go to the endodontist as i needed a root canal so after sitting for hours i was finally seen and the verdict was "yep" you need it so i went back today and had it done and i must say so far so good nothing to complain about. I have to go back in a couple of weeks for a different tooth and then i will go get crowns for them - but from what i hear thats the easy part.

We havent been up to too too much but the week after next week i go for a port flush (whoppee) so that should be exciting and of course its our july 4th holiday.

Anyway till then.....or till i have something exciting to say


Oh ya i gave up the wig and do-rag (except for when i drop the kids off to camp)