

Hi everyone, It's me JEFF, Michelle's husband for those who think i don't exist.It has come to the end of a very long journey. I must admit, I was in awe of my wife for having the strength and perseverance to prevail. We have been through alot in this time and i just want to thank the ones who showed the most support. To Barby, For every building their is a foundation, you showed to me that you can hold through strength, love, support and courage where all others have failed. I am in your deepest debt. You have brought a shined a new light on my face and i will never forget. TO Neil & Linda, Some actions are louder than words. While some actions are minimal you have proven supportive in other fashions and we thank you for that. And to the other members of our family and business associates we thank you for your patience and understanding and we thank everyone for all they could. Now, to the most important person, My WIFE, I still can't believe you have managed to stay focused and strong through these times. You deserve more than a purple heart, and more than i could ever give you. My thanks and devotion will never compare to will and strength you have shown everyone. I wish i could of done more for you but i have tried to do my best. The most important thing in this entire universe is that we are still a family and i could not live with myself if things were any different. I love you and thank you everyone for all you have done.

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