

Well here it is, a little over a week since i gave my blood and i finally called the oncologists office to get the word. And the word is everything came back within range and my tumor markers are a 4. Now if you are like me you might be thinking whats so great about a 4 it should be 0 BUT since the range for tumor markers is up to 35 i will take the 4 and barrel on till August when i have to donate the blood again!! So be happy for me cuz i am happy for me :)

On another note i went to the dentist yesterday and found out i will need a root canal...hmmm not fun but it is what it is and i will plug on through. Thank heavens for dental insurance. All kidding aside in the grand scheme of things it isnt a big deal - thats what i say now i will write once its over. Originally she wanted to do it next thursday but its my anniversary so i pushed it out till after the weekend. I mean really i cant be in pain on my anniversary since i had chemo the day beffore my birthday so this one is mine!!

Today was the last day of school for the kids and now it is time for camp. Monday they start a mini camp then they actually start day camp on the 11th of June. I think they are very excited so we shall see.

Anyway thats it for now.

Love to all,

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