
Dr visit

Well this morning i went to see Dr. Tranakas, nevermind that i got there early (which NEVER happens) and they made me wait and wait........finally they called me in and the appointment was short and sweet. He checked my war wounds felt for anything out of the ordinary then told me i looked great and to come back in September for a mamogram and sonagram :)

I also asked him about my port (for those that dont know it was what the drugs are infused through) and we decided that it was ok to leave it in for a while provided that i get it flushed every 6 - 8 weeks, so i fogure i will do this for as long as i can handle it :)

On Thursday i will be updating the site with pics from Jordanas birthday party so more then.....


Port flush

Well its been 6 weeks since my last chemo session and yesterday i went for my port flush. Walking into the building was a little weird but it was like going to the dr office, i could feel my pressure going up even though i knew what was going to happen. And so like clockwork i went in got my bloodpressure done and then the magic moment...the access of the port. Like to many times before my port was giving nurse Paula a hard time as she needed to draw blood and she wasnt getting any......this was a routine for us but i figured since it had been a while it would of been more obliging..WRONG. In anycase before i went i put on the emla(numbing cream) so the intial poke wasnt bad at all. Once she got what she needed i thought it was over but she did my blood work wrong and rather than bore you with the details i had it re-done and everything was a-OK!

I now dont have to go back till the 17th of may and this will be for a blood draw then i see the dr on the 22nd of may.

More later


And now for the REAL LAUGHS !

Ok so as they say let's get this party started!

I was just telling Michelle over the weekend it has been FOREVER since she has posted so I was happy to see she FINALLY did! Sheesh ..

Well as I am sure you can imagine after almost 2 weeks of not seeing my sister I was in withdrawal, after all we call each other every morning on the way to work, we work together for 8 hours, we call each other on our way home, then usually speak throughout the evening .. Need I say more? People never can understand what we talk about for that long and yet we always have something to say as soon as the phone rings !

I was VERY HAPPY to see her, although I was a bit of a party pooper as by 6pm I was ready for bed :( ... still was jet-lagged.

We had a great day Sunday then it was work Monday trying to choose flowers for our gala which takes place May 15th at the Grand Hyatt New York.

(for those who may be interested you can visit our website for more information: www.giftoflife.org)

Well unfortunately Mich still has the remnents of a cold, but hopefully will go away soon, she is a trooper!

Anyways here are some pictures from Monday in NY ... she looks to cute ... Although she got mad at me .. c'mon ... doesnt she look like one of those pierre la goy dolls?

All the best everyone.


a.k.a Mables, Maria, Flicka!


OK so its been a while.........

Wow time flies when you are having fun! Its been a little over 5 weeks since my last chemo session and i must say i feel pretty good :)

Its been hectic at the Rapaport residence but fun. The kids are out of school this week for spring break and are attending the JCC which allows them to go out and do various activities. Although today they went with gramma and zappa for breakfast and then to a movie. I havent heard too much about it as they have been outside biking since i got home but i am sure i will.

And for those of you who havent heard or need a refresher, on the day of my last chemo seesion they drew blood for the BRCA gene test, well i am happy to telll you that it came back NEGATIVE which is a great thing for the kids and my sisters alike, and me too but i am very glad for them as well.

Other than that not to much has been going on. Kinda boring if you ask me, but boring works!

Anyway not much else (or at least anything i can remember) for now but i will write again soon.


This past weekend i was in New York to meet up with Barby who was coming back from a 10 day trip from France, as usual we had plenty of laffs and even snuck in a play. I would recommend the play as it was quite cute. It was called "the Drowsy Chaperone" and was very funny! We flew home last nite and of course today we were back at work but we had plenty of laffs.

Next week i go for my first port flush since chemo ended , so even though i wont be getting meds i still have to get poked :(

And for those of you who dont know next week is Jordanas 7th birthday!!!!! We are doing a party for a few of her friends on the 26th at the sweet and sassy kid spa