
Port flush

Well its been 6 weeks since my last chemo session and yesterday i went for my port flush. Walking into the building was a little weird but it was like going to the dr office, i could feel my pressure going up even though i knew what was going to happen. And so like clockwork i went in got my bloodpressure done and then the magic moment...the access of the port. Like to many times before my port was giving nurse Paula a hard time as she needed to draw blood and she wasnt getting any......this was a routine for us but i figured since it had been a while it would of been more obliging..WRONG. In anycase before i went i put on the emla(numbing cream) so the intial poke wasnt bad at all. Once she got what she needed i thought it was over but she did my blood work wrong and rather than bore you with the details i had it re-done and everything was a-OK!

I now dont have to go back till the 17th of may and this will be for a blood draw then i see the dr on the 22nd of may.

More later

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