
Session 6

Well as the title says we can say goodbye to session 6!!! In otherwords i have 2 sessions left (yay!!!). The session itself went fairly smooth and once i got home i took a nap. Now understand the nap was so i could stay up to watch greys anatomy :)

We have had a busy week here at the rapaports, jordana was selling girlguide cookies and btw sold 100 boxes!! Justin joined the story telling club this week, he had to go for an interview and of course he was accepted so as of next wednesday he will be attending meetings on wednesdays after school where he will then read to kids in grade 1 and kindergarten.

Friday came and went uneventfully, which is a goodthing. Jordana had a brownie meeting and we turned in her cookie money to date and then jeff, justin and i went for dinner and killed some time till we had to get her at 8:30. Once we picked her up we went home and i went to bed for what i thought was going to be a good nites sleep.

Well let me tell you i did not get a god nites sleep as i woke up at various times and then at 3:45am i woke up with a headache like nothing i have ever had it felt like my head was going to explode so i proceeded to take 2 tylenol and tried to go back to sleep but awake again at 8 something and the headache was still with me so i got a ice pack and put it on my head and went back too sleep. So rather then bore you with the details today was a right off as i spent most of it in bed and jeff shlepped with the kids (thank you) to there various outings.

Tonite we stayed in and ordered chinese food (not one of my favorites) and watched movies and tomorrow we have a birthday party so until later..........



The rest off the weekend!

Well like Barby said there were no major diversions with the chemo aside that it was very very very long but thankfully nothing unusual! Now i will say that the tiredness was there but believer you and me i can deal with that :)

But aside from my issues my hubby jeff went and injured himself. Let me take you back a little bit......we were having the carpets redone and in our family room we have this 10ft wall unit which needed to come down so the carpet guys could replace the carpet well somewhere along the line jeff was on a ladder and when he went to step back he missed and basically gave himself a level 2 sprain! So between my being tired and his lack of mobility you could say this weekend kindof sucked but o well we have plenty of weekends to do some fun stuff later on. As today is sunday the wall unit is still staring at us in the face but the day isnt over yet!

Other than that not much else to report. Hopefully i will be in the office on tuesday and tomorrow the kids are off to jcc camp as its martin luther king day here in the us so i am signing off for now.

Be well.


Round Two!

Ok so it has been some time since we have written an update so here goes.

Thursday was the start of round 2 chemo for Mich. Mom met us there and I have some pics for you as you will see! We also met a very sweet man named Joseph who kept us company.

What should have been around 5 hours was almost 8 .. this is a long process this round, but overall everything went well. Mich is just dealing with tiredness.

She is also very fortunate as she met someone who is on the same regimen as herself, although this woman had a lumpectomy and will be having radiation. The woman told Michelle that the first round of chemo she was sick as a dog, and vomiting alot. I told Michelle she should thank her lucky stars .. all she is having is tiredness.

Mich also made me look like an A--!! ... She told me this elderly woman that walked in was someone we both knew (although I had never met the woman just know her by name). Michelle got all excited in her chair as she said "Oh my g-d look its xxxxx. She even offered to take me over and introduce me. But I said thats ok, I will go over .. so I did. Needless to say IT WAS THE WRONG PERSON!!!! --- OMG did I feel dumb! ..

We were laughing so hard the nurses told us we were having to much fun. Talk about embarrassing.

Well it's now Saturday afternoon, and Mich is just having tiredness (thank g-d) although they did tell us to possibly expect some bone aches ... so lets keep our hands crossed.

Have a good weekend!


Happy New Years Pictures!

Ok well Michelle updated everyone with our dinner details so here are some pictures. Sorry they are so dark and just head shots but its the best we can do considering a cel phone!

Hope everyone has a very happy and healthy!



Well its official 2006 is over and i must say i wont miss it! Although it started off as a good year it didnt end up being such a hot one overall but out with the old and in with the new.......so farewell 2006 and goood riddance!

The weekend was long but was still nice on saturday we got together with our friends ely and elise and their kids aaron and adam and we had a real nice time, its weird but when we get together it never seems like we live so far apart and i oknow jeff feels like they would of just hung out yesterday instead of months ago. Anyway the kids all had a great time and once i get pictures i will up load them.

New Years eve we had our babysitter rebecca and jeff and i went with the family for dinner it was very nice and we got home at 11:30 and watched the ball drop with the kids who i must say were less than impressed and jordana was a little miffed because she wanted a party with all the fixings!

Today we did absolutely NOTHING and it was great! Tomorrow life goes back to normal as the kids will be at camp, jeff will be at work and i to will be at work.

Other than that not to much else going on so thats it for now but from my home too your may you all have a happpy and healthy new years!
