

Well its official 2006 is over and i must say i wont miss it! Although it started off as a good year it didnt end up being such a hot one overall but out with the old and in with the new.......so farewell 2006 and goood riddance!

The weekend was long but was still nice on saturday we got together with our friends ely and elise and their kids aaron and adam and we had a real nice time, its weird but when we get together it never seems like we live so far apart and i oknow jeff feels like they would of just hung out yesterday instead of months ago. Anyway the kids all had a great time and once i get pictures i will up load them.

New Years eve we had our babysitter rebecca and jeff and i went with the family for dinner it was very nice and we got home at 11:30 and watched the ball drop with the kids who i must say were less than impressed and jordana was a little miffed because she wanted a party with all the fixings!

Today we did absolutely NOTHING and it was great! Tomorrow life goes back to normal as the kids will be at camp, jeff will be at work and i to will be at work.

Other than that not to much else going on so thats it for now but from my home too your may you all have a happpy and healthy new years!


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