
The rest off the weekend!

Well like Barby said there were no major diversions with the chemo aside that it was very very very long but thankfully nothing unusual! Now i will say that the tiredness was there but believer you and me i can deal with that :)

But aside from my issues my hubby jeff went and injured himself. Let me take you back a little bit......we were having the carpets redone and in our family room we have this 10ft wall unit which needed to come down so the carpet guys could replace the carpet well somewhere along the line jeff was on a ladder and when he went to step back he missed and basically gave himself a level 2 sprain! So between my being tired and his lack of mobility you could say this weekend kindof sucked but o well we have plenty of weekends to do some fun stuff later on. As today is sunday the wall unit is still staring at us in the face but the day isnt over yet!

Other than that not much else to report. Hopefully i will be in the office on tuesday and tomorrow the kids are off to jcc camp as its martin luther king day here in the us so i am signing off for now.

Be well.

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