
Round Two!

Ok so it has been some time since we have written an update so here goes.

Thursday was the start of round 2 chemo for Mich. Mom met us there and I have some pics for you as you will see! We also met a very sweet man named Joseph who kept us company.

What should have been around 5 hours was almost 8 .. this is a long process this round, but overall everything went well. Mich is just dealing with tiredness.

She is also very fortunate as she met someone who is on the same regimen as herself, although this woman had a lumpectomy and will be having radiation. The woman told Michelle that the first round of chemo she was sick as a dog, and vomiting alot. I told Michelle she should thank her lucky stars .. all she is having is tiredness.

Mich also made me look like an A--!! ... She told me this elderly woman that walked in was someone we both knew (although I had never met the woman just know her by name). Michelle got all excited in her chair as she said "Oh my g-d look its xxxxx. She even offered to take me over and introduce me. But I said thats ok, I will go over .. so I did. Needless to say IT WAS THE WRONG PERSON!!!! --- OMG did I feel dumb! ..

We were laughing so hard the nurses told us we were having to much fun. Talk about embarrassing.

Well it's now Saturday afternoon, and Mich is just having tiredness (thank g-d) although they did tell us to possibly expect some bone aches ... so lets keep our hands crossed.

Have a good weekend!

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