
The Oncologist!

So here i am writing again.....i think i write the way i talk ...which means i will be writing ALOT! Well on Thursday the 28th of September i went to my first vist with my Oncologist. Although when i was going it was just for a consultation but by the time i left i felt really comfortable with her and i liked her (which is important to me cuz if i dont like someone of something it does not make for a very happy michelle) anyway like myselff she is a fellow CANADIAN... YAY!!!! and has a similar personality :)

So the gruesome threesome (mich, jeff and barby) meet up at the oncologists office in delray for a consultation with Dr. Jane Skelton. Upon arrival they make me fill out forms and forms and then tell me to take a seat, but in the meanwhile they scare the bejesus out of me and tell me i will be giving blood.....for those of you who know me i dont fare well with needles and was getting that "hot" feeling but thankfully it never happened! Anyway we didnt wait to to long and then we went into a exam room and waited for the doctor. If you can imagine the 3 of us in there is was quite comical as barby and jeff were doing there thing and i was doing my own thing and all we do is laff....they say laughter is the best medicine and i think they might just be right! So in comes Dr. Skelton and right away its question after question especially about whats coming up and what i should expect and how long and all sorts of interesting things for me to know and most importantly be prepared for. Rather than bore you with details i will save the "juicy" stuff for when it actually happens. Overall it was a very positive experience and i truly believe i am in good hands.

After we left the whole family meet for dinner at cheeburger cheeburger and had dinner as a whole family and then we came home so i could watch greys anatomy (gotta love it!!)

So thats it for now........

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