
The Plastic Surgeon!

Picture this......Florida...September 26th 2006 and 2 of the sloven sisters are trying to find the plastic surgeon for his consultation on boob rebuilding. Well like anything else that goes on it doesnt go normal...we get to the building, read the board and take the elevator to the 2nd floor where we enter suite 204.....well let me tell you we walk in and there are posters of children with the chicken pox and very pretty paintings of kids stuff on the walls. Barby is in front of me and heads over to the check-in window and i am telling her something is definately not right and she is telling me "didnt you read the board" "this is the place" well you all know IT WASNT THE PLACE he was actually located next door, this was his wifes office. For those of you who know us we were in hysterics as we couldnt believe we just did what we did but in our true fashion we laffed and laffed till it made our heads hurt. Anyway once we entered the real offfice we sat down and waited and waited and did i mention waited! Finally the nurse came to get us and in our true fashion we traipsed in to the consult together (for those of you wondering where Jeff was i told him he didnt have to take the time to shlep to this appointment). Dr. O'Campo was very nice and offered both sides of the reconstruction coin but i must tell you i had to bare the boobs again (no dignity i tell ya) and have yet another male tell me my breasts are large ...duh you can see that as i can but i am getting used to hearing it but sheesh!!! Anyway we were there for an hour or so and he answered all my questions and told me various things that can be done and what he recommends and doesn't recommend and i left there feeling fine and if this is something i consider later on he is definately who i would go to. If any of you woman out there need some reconstruction you might want to give him a call, he was very nice. Anyway another appointment out off the way and back to work we went.


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