
New Pics!

Ok well it has been a while since we have uploaded some picutures so here you go! These are from Michelle's last chemo 2 weeks ago and dinner 2 weeks ago.

Susie also got a NEW PUPPY - Martini, so she is the dog of the moment! My 3 girls will just have to sit in the wings ;) ... She is very cute although the photo below doesn't do much justice. Enjoy her Susie .. and all we have to say is "It's about time girl! .. welcome to the club !

For Susie's birthday the Pilpels & Rapaports chipped in and got Martini some clothes .. A Juicy style sweatsuit and beaded princess t-shirt! Can you say "gorgeous - dahling!".

Well we have to go get ready to meet everyone for dinner .. but Michelle has been an amazing trouper throughout all this and all we can say is AMEN to that! We are so fortunate that the only side effects she has had throughout this ordeal is tiredness .. so we will take it.

As always Mich I am in awe of you and thanks for being there for me too! I love ya.


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