
Rest of the weekend

Well it is now sunday nite and the weekend is coming to an end. thankfully for me it was uneventful but like in weeks past i will take it. Yesterday we met my parents and barby for breakfast at einsteins and then as if we hadnt spent enough time together we went out for dinner as a family and to tell you the truth it went quite well, the kids behaved and i think a good time was had by all.

Today was a little more on the quiet side but at 4:30 we went over to susies as my aunt and uncle were in from toronto and we did the family visit thing. It to went well and it was nice to see them and share some good laffs.

Anyway i am going to try and figure out how to upload some pictures - jordanas win at the bookstore for her poem so hopefully i will figure it out sooner than later :)

Tomorrow i am hoping to go to work as i feel pretty goood and then i will really begin my final countdown as my last chemo is in less than 2 weeks ......so here is to the countdown and i will write again son.

If i haven't said it enough i want to thank everyone for there well wishes and just for being there.


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