
Nothin to exciting to report

I had a doctor appointment this week and she said i am looking real good, the lung is working and overall i am in good shape. She also reminded me that i only have 3 weeks left and then i will be done with chemo .....YAY!!!!!

Once the chemotherapy is finished i will be starting a pill called Tamoxifan, and i will be taking this for the next 5 years. This will stop my body from producing estrogen and progesterene. She also informed me that i will be going to see her every 3 months - which i dont mind as she is real nice but then the bad part is that i will have a blood draw at these little visits as well (YUCK).

Other than that she didnt have to much to say...o yah the port (which is how they administer my chemo) has to come out and till it does i will have to go back to there office and get it flushed every 6 weeks so i dont get an infection or worse a clot. I have an appointment in april with my surgeon and i am sure at that time he will let me know when i will have this removed. Although i must tell you that this scares me and i was quite willing to leave it in for life but i dont want to get it flushed every six weeks so i will have to brave it and have it removed.

Tonite jeff and i went for dinner as justin is at his friends and jordana had brownies.

Oh ya and justin lost another tooth!!!!! I will get some pictures up soon (as soon as i figure out how!!).

Anyway not much else.......

More later

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