
Well its official session 8 is OVER

Well it is now 6:30pm and i am thrilled to say the CHEMO is oficially over!!!!!!

Its been 4 months since the first session and i am proud to say the i did it! I survied the chemo episode and now i am thrilled to put it behind me. I truly feel that i handled it with great finesse and attitude and i also will be glad to start on the road back to normalacy where i can get back to doing things without the fatigue that usually follows after these sessions.

Today at the chemo lab i had a full house with me so i want to say thanks to:
Mom and Dad - its been a real ride and i want to say that you havve been great and daddy even though you didnt look so hot at certain times you did it and for that i am ever grateful! I LOVE YOU!

Barby - well what can i say to you, you have been like my siamese twin in this long and drawn out endevour but now we can do the fun things and put this episode into our memory books
and start an new memory book of good time as we have a lifeload ahead of us! I LOVE YOU!!

Jeff - thanks for being by my side through all of this andd NOW we can look ahead to the future and all the great things we have coming our way! I LOVE YOU!

Shayne - thanks again for picking up the kids!

To the chemo nurses and staff just a huge thank you for doing the great job you do and i hope others like me will persevere and have only good thoughts of there time in chemo like i do as you women and men do an outstanding job......THANKS

Susie - thanks for your daily calls

And last of all, to all of you who have been riding this journey with me THANKS for all your support along the way and i look forward to only writing good things and happy thoughts from here on in.

I will be putting in pictures later of my last session but i wanted to write this while its fresh in my mind.

I will also be writing next week as i go to see the dr on tuesday so tilll then ciao for now.


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