
Celebrate good times .. C'mon !

Like the heading says .. CELEBRATE GOOD TIMES .. C'MON !!

Well Thursday was a very exciting day for all of us especially Michelle. I cannot beleive that the last chemo has taken place.

Here are some pictures from that day .. Now I don't want to say anything but MOM and DAD both fell asleep .. although dads was for a minute .. but I caught it. He gave me a HUGE struggle to get a photo .. but we got it! :) Us Slovens have issues with pictures .. lol.

Well now that Michelle is on her way back to getting back to a normal schedule, I want to thank everyone for their support during this time. I know that it meant alot to all of us and especially Michelle.

Michelle as always know how proud I am of you and how well you handled this detour in your life. Your children are truly blessed to have such a wonderful mom and remember NOTHING is your fault when it came to this. I am always here for you and whatever you need all you have to do is ask. I love ya!

With that said, I hope that all future blogs Michelle continues to write are those of happy times and laughter!

Signing off for now,

1 comment:

zappa said...

the picture does not even look like Barby.