

Like the title says i am half way there baby........ so now i will begin to count down! Like every other thursday my dad picked me up and drove me to work (my mom came this time) and we stopped at einsteins so i could get something to eat then made it into the office. Anyway hung out and did my thing till 1pm when barby came to get me. We stopped for you guessed it....LUNCH and i must say it was quite yummy then we made our way over to the chemo lab. Today my stats were all real good and Jeff came and stayed with us and he was quite pleasant. And i must say they even had yummy treats and barby donned plastic gloves to get us some cookies and they were not bad.

The conversation was pretty good although barby did some weird elf thing and the 2 of them were in stitches other than that though there waws nothing to exciting to report.

Next time i go they told me i would be there for 5 hours as i would be using a different concoction but more on that later.

Anyway not much else to report but i will be back on monday with my new years outing!!

Oh ya the kids are in winter camp this week and next week and i have to tell you they are loving it, everyday they go on different trips to different places and today (friday) zappa tried to get them to ride there bikes but we will have to wait and see.....

Anyways i will wirte again soon.



Rest of the day!

And here is part II.

After Mr. Food, we went back to Michelle and Jeff's to drop the food off, where we saw Grandma and Zappa with Justin and Jordana.

Justin was getting ready to sleep over at Joshie's, and Jordana was going to come with us for lunch!

After we dropped Justin off we went to Einstein's for lunch, then went out and about.

Tonight the 6 of us (mom/dad/jeff/mich/nana/me) went to Houston's for dinner and had some laughs .. Dad got to show Jordana the boats and the bridge went up! They had a great time!

Here are some pictures from tonight and I have to say Michelle really looks great! She is feeling good with the usual tiredness, but overall I am happy to report doing wonderfully!

As always thanks to Mom, Dad, Jeff, Susie, Shayne and everyone who keeps checking in with her to keep her spirits at their always high :)

Have a good night everyone!



Mr Food - No Fuss!

Ok well today there is going to be 2 entries! The first one is today's events.

For hanukkah Shayne and I got Jeff a gift to go to Mr. Food - No Fuss Meals! This is where you go and choose a bunch of meals, then go to their kitchen stations (Mr. Food) to assemble the foods to freeze then all you have to do is cook it! The best part is each meal can serve 4-5 people. We did a package where they chose (7) dinners and a veggie side dish, oh yeah and cookies for dessert! Michelle accompanied Jeff as his helper.

Well this morning I called Michelle, as I wanted to go and watch the 2 of them in action. They are to cute and I was waiting for them argue and catch them in action! But low and behold, all they did was laugh together as I sat in the chair at the front and watched. This was really fun and I think the (4) of us may do this together sometime in January!

Here are some pictures of their cooking prep!

As I watched on in amusement, all Michelle kept saying was Jeff thinks he is at home! Jeff at the beginning was only letting Michelle put the cooking instruction labels on the outside of the completed meal! But she got in there and they prepped together in typical Rapaport fashion -- TEAMWORK! In Michelle's usual cooking manner (but I didn't tell you) .. she was munching on the white chocolate chips while they did the prep work for the cookies! .... Shhhh!! ;)

See you in a few with tonights blog!



Day 4 of Hanukkah!

Ok so tonight Jeff made his feasts-of-feasts! LATKES!! ... These are like Shayne's FAVORITE dish in the whole wide world.

Everyone gathered at the Rapaport household this evening to munch together and here are some family shots ..

As usual we all had our laughs and tomorrow Michelle has another follow up appointment so I will be meeting her then back to work!

Till then enjoy and continue enjoying your HANUKKAH festivities!

Last night Sunday, December 17th was our Holiday party. Gift of Life held their 3rd annual party at Benvenuto's in Boynton Beach for the 2nd year in a row!

Jody, Suzanne and Michele did a great job making this a very special evening! We even had the priviledge of witnessing a donor-recipient meeting! The warmest part is that the donor was Jody's brother! .. and they also hired a great magician. Jeff did a great job doing photography and even prepared a year in review of clips of everyone. It was really nice! Kudos.

Thank you to Jay, Jack and Arlene from all of the Sloven's - Pilpel/Rapaports for a great party..

Anyways here are some pics from last night ...




Well today is Saturday and been a while since I have written on the blog so here is the scoop!

Michelle is doing AMAZING .. did I say AMAZING! ... As she mentioned in her last blog Susie and I went with her for her last chemo, and she is now a pro!

When we went on Thursday it was pouring out and my hair went caput .. not that it looks very good any other day .. but it was so bad I asked her for a shmata to put on it .. so we walked in like twins (of course she is the better looking one!) .. so when we saw Susie we asked her if she wanted one also so no one felt left out .. I took pictures you will see below .. but Susie didn't want hers up .. and she did look quite cute. We were the sisters grim :)

Well tomorrow night is our office holiday party and other than that not much new to report.

So from all of us to all of you we wish you nothing but the brightest, healthiest and happiest hanukkah!


Barby, Shayne, Princess, Hershey, and Pletzel
Michelle, Jeff, Justin and Jordana
Linda, Neil and Susie


Session 3

Well good morning everyone it is almost 5am and i have been up since 3:45am so i figured i would update my blog. Although i cant explain why i am up so early it might have to do with the fact i had to go to the bathroom or that i have heartburn (dam that brownie bite!!!!) Anyway yesterday was session number 3 (YAY ONLY 5 TO GO!!!) and i went with both Barby (the regular) and special guest Susie (who was starving) but i think overall a enjoyable time was had by all. The Emla cream (numbing) worked fairly well although the colleague who helped me put it on didnt put it low enough but i am not going to complain as in the grand scheme of things it went better then the previous session. But i must say the weather here yesterday was AWFUL and by the time barby and i left the office it was pouring and my sandwich got soggy :( and she made me eat it anyway (blech) but on the up side my hair looked great (lack there of) as the do rag covered it nicely.

At the office we had a white elepant party whre we all brought in gifts and got to pick or steal someone elses, it was very good time and i ended up with a signed football which i am going to give to justin (once i get a lucite box for it of course!!).

On Tuesday nite i got together with an old friend Lauren and we had a really nice time and hopefully we will do it again, sooner than later!

Today i have to go back to the dr's for my neulasta shot so mom and dad are coming to get me and they will shlep me there - hopefully the drive will be not-so-exciting as my previous outings with them have been well how do i say EXCITING! Tonite we have jordanas brownie badge ceremony where i believe she will be getting 5 badges or so. Also this afternoon we have justin an jordanas karate belt ceremony, he is going for his red belt (yay) and she is going for her orange (yay) no messing with the rapaport kids! After all that i will hopefully get a good nights sleep since the current one wasnt so hot.

Ok cant think of anything else at this hour except to wish everyone that celebrates a very happy hanukkah and enjoy the latke eating.



And here we are ...... another sunday

Well it is now sunday december 10th and i know i havent been on lately so let me think if i have anything exciting to tell you.........well last nite we went out as a family (minus barby who is in orlando at a convention...i miss u) to mccormick and schmicks for dinner for my moms 63rd birthday and i think everyone enjoyed themselves. But beffore that i had a doctor appointment on tuesday just as a follow up and it went quite well and i am still counting down my sessions so as of today i have 6 left, hopefully the time will fly. It is also official that my hair is almost completely off my head and i must tell you the shock was not even there, once i shaved it i was well over any shock and now its no big deal. I wear my wig when i have to go somewhere (like last nite) but otherwise i wear a do rag and it is totally fine. My kids are used to my lack of hair and when i wear the wig they ask me why ...go figure!

Yesterday jordana went to see the play sleeping beauty with her brownie troup and totally loved it.

Yesterday i also had lunch with an old colleague and we had a really nice time and she even suggested that her, barby and myself do the "walk for a cure" next year so be ready to cough up some pledges y'all!!!

Now i am going to say goodbye but i will be back on friday after...session 3.

Till then......


The day after turning 41

Well for starters i want to thank the following people for remembering my birthday:
jeff, justin, jordana, mom, dad, susie, barby, shayne, the puppies,jay, the offman family, the naimer family, the needle family, the korum family, the mansoor family, the perry family, auntie corrine and uncle barry, baubie, auntie adele and uncle philip, suzanne, the yanes family, lynda, alice, nelly, dov, michelle and tony, and bonnie it was very sweet to hear from all of you :)

As you know i had my 2nd chemo session on thursday and after the episode at the beginning it went quite smoothly. Both yesterday and today have been rather normal and with no real feelings of sickness. Although i did get up this monring at 6:30am to go to the bathroom but took a nap a little bit later on. The only thing i find is tought is drinking all the required liquid but i am plugging along.

Last nite jordana had brownies and upon her return home i had to model my new do as she told her girlfriend that for my birthday i shaved my head, but much to my surprise they werent thrown off guard at all in fact one of them was like "nice hair" go figure :)

Oh and i almost forgot that yesterday i went back to the drs office for my neulasta shot and i must say my drive on the way there was quite exciting, i dont want to mention names as i think that the person will be EMBARRASED as they ran a red light but O M G this was the 2nd time this person has done this....can u imagine ??!!

In anycase today was low day with really nothing planned and nothing to do but tomorrow we are going to do the birthday cake thing with the family and i will put some pictured up, so until then.......mich

ps. did you know that my bat mitzvah was 28 years ago today - now i am beginning to feel my age ;)