
And here we are ...... another sunday

Well it is now sunday december 10th and i know i havent been on lately so let me think if i have anything exciting to tell you.........well last nite we went out as a family (minus barby who is in orlando at a convention...i miss u) to mccormick and schmicks for dinner for my moms 63rd birthday and i think everyone enjoyed themselves. But beffore that i had a doctor appointment on tuesday just as a follow up and it went quite well and i am still counting down my sessions so as of today i have 6 left, hopefully the time will fly. It is also official that my hair is almost completely off my head and i must tell you the shock was not even there, once i shaved it i was well over any shock and now its no big deal. I wear my wig when i have to go somewhere (like last nite) but otherwise i wear a do rag and it is totally fine. My kids are used to my lack of hair and when i wear the wig they ask me why ...go figure!

Yesterday jordana went to see the play sleeping beauty with her brownie troup and totally loved it.

Yesterday i also had lunch with an old colleague and we had a really nice time and she even suggested that her, barby and myself do the "walk for a cure" next year so be ready to cough up some pledges y'all!!!

Now i am going to say goodbye but i will be back on friday after...session 3.

Till then......

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