
Session 3

Well good morning everyone it is almost 5am and i have been up since 3:45am so i figured i would update my blog. Although i cant explain why i am up so early it might have to do with the fact i had to go to the bathroom or that i have heartburn (dam that brownie bite!!!!) Anyway yesterday was session number 3 (YAY ONLY 5 TO GO!!!) and i went with both Barby (the regular) and special guest Susie (who was starving) but i think overall a enjoyable time was had by all. The Emla cream (numbing) worked fairly well although the colleague who helped me put it on didnt put it low enough but i am not going to complain as in the grand scheme of things it went better then the previous session. But i must say the weather here yesterday was AWFUL and by the time barby and i left the office it was pouring and my sandwich got soggy :( and she made me eat it anyway (blech) but on the up side my hair looked great (lack there of) as the do rag covered it nicely.

At the office we had a white elepant party whre we all brought in gifts and got to pick or steal someone elses, it was very good time and i ended up with a signed football which i am going to give to justin (once i get a lucite box for it of course!!).

On Tuesday nite i got together with an old friend Lauren and we had a really nice time and hopefully we will do it again, sooner than later!

Today i have to go back to the dr's for my neulasta shot so mom and dad are coming to get me and they will shlep me there - hopefully the drive will be not-so-exciting as my previous outings with them have been well how do i say EXCITING! Tonite we have jordanas brownie badge ceremony where i believe she will be getting 5 badges or so. Also this afternoon we have justin an jordanas karate belt ceremony, he is going for his red belt (yay) and she is going for her orange (yay) no messing with the rapaport kids! After all that i will hopefully get a good nights sleep since the current one wasnt so hot.

Ok cant think of anything else at this hour except to wish everyone that celebrates a very happy hanukkah and enjoy the latke eating.


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