
The day after turning 41

Well for starters i want to thank the following people for remembering my birthday:
jeff, justin, jordana, mom, dad, susie, barby, shayne, the puppies,jay, the offman family, the naimer family, the needle family, the korum family, the mansoor family, the perry family, auntie corrine and uncle barry, baubie, auntie adele and uncle philip, suzanne, the yanes family, lynda, alice, nelly, dov, michelle and tony, and bonnie it was very sweet to hear from all of you :)

As you know i had my 2nd chemo session on thursday and after the episode at the beginning it went quite smoothly. Both yesterday and today have been rather normal and with no real feelings of sickness. Although i did get up this monring at 6:30am to go to the bathroom but took a nap a little bit later on. The only thing i find is tought is drinking all the required liquid but i am plugging along.

Last nite jordana had brownies and upon her return home i had to model my new do as she told her girlfriend that for my birthday i shaved my head, but much to my surprise they werent thrown off guard at all in fact one of them was like "nice hair" go figure :)

Oh and i almost forgot that yesterday i went back to the drs office for my neulasta shot and i must say my drive on the way there was quite exciting, i dont want to mention names as i think that the person will be EMBARRASED as they ran a red light but O M G this was the 2nd time this person has done this....can u imagine ??!!

In anycase today was low day with really nothing planned and nothing to do but tomorrow we are going to do the birthday cake thing with the family and i will put some pictured up, so until then.......mich

ps. did you know that my bat mitzvah was 28 years ago today - now i am beginning to feel my age ;)

1 comment:

Diana Y said...

Hi Mich!!!!
I am so glad that you are feeling much better this time, I hope you enjoy your cake tomorrow around the loves ones, it was very convenient that your birthday fall on a Friday, you can celebrate all weekend long.

xoxoxoxo Diana, Tony and Nicholas