
Rest of the day!

And here is part II.

After Mr. Food, we went back to Michelle and Jeff's to drop the food off, where we saw Grandma and Zappa with Justin and Jordana.

Justin was getting ready to sleep over at Joshie's, and Jordana was going to come with us for lunch!

After we dropped Justin off we went to Einstein's for lunch, then went out and about.

Tonight the 6 of us (mom/dad/jeff/mich/nana/me) went to Houston's for dinner and had some laughs .. Dad got to show Jordana the boats and the bridge went up! They had a great time!

Here are some pictures from tonight and I have to say Michelle really looks great! She is feeling good with the usual tiredness, but overall I am happy to report doing wonderfully!

As always thanks to Mom, Dad, Jeff, Susie, Shayne and everyone who keeps checking in with her to keep her spirits at their always high :)

Have a good night everyone!


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