
Happy Birthday Michelle !!!!

Well I know it's a little early but I wanted to make sure Michelle saw this when she got up in the morning.

I cannot believe she is going to be "41" tomorrow! It's been a whole year already and I just got my song down pat today for her :)

Michelle just called me that Jeff cut her hair and she wanted me to share it with everyone, does she not look CUTE OR WHAT! I am very impressed with Jeff's work and think she looks adorable!

Today was #2 of 8 chemotherapies which she will be having, so for those of you who are counting down with is "6 TO GO"!!.

Today was a little bit hard for Michelle as they couldn't get the line into the port. After 2 jabs at her, the nurse realized she needed a longer needle. Needless to say Michelle started to sweat and they had to track down the 1.5 incher! As usual she stayed composed in between her moments .. BUT there was an elderly man that took her mind off everything. He was to cute!

This man was there the 1st time we went, and he always looked sad and alone .. well today the nurse came by his seat and asked I am thinking if he wanted his chair reclined, so when she pushed on it to get it to go, he looked like he was on a ride going up and down and he was just SMILING AND BEAMING -- it was so cute! I was ready to go and take a picture of him .. he looked so happy!

So back to Michelle ;)

We were just under an hour later starting and by the time we were done she was still doing good .. I think the key was this time I took her to eat before we went. This really made a difference in addition, it says with the meds to eat first (ALTHOUGH NO ONE TOLD US).

Oh yeah .. did I mention they lost her paperwork from the 1st session? So it started off rough but she did great.

On the way home we went to get Shayne, stopped at the Mc D's for the kids then dropped Mich off and said hello then to dinner with folks for a quick bite.

Thats a wrap!

Shayne and I want to wish you the best of the best birthdays .. and I am so proud and honored to have you as my BIGGEST sister! Keep up the GREAT work and know after this you can do ANYTHING!

We love you and hope 41 is the year of all good things!

Nite Nite.

Barby and Shayne

PS The gurls wanted to wish you a happy birthday to so here they are!

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