
Busy couple of days

Well i know its been a while so let me tell you whats been going on:

Monday - i went back to work for a few hours and i must say the welcomes back from all my colleagues was wonderful - i felt truly missed!!! I stayed for almost 5 hours and got some stuff accomplished but have quite a bit waiting for me upon my grand return (i can hardly wait - i mean it!!) so it will be great. I also want to say thanks to Bonnie for the yummy cookie - the kids and jeff loved it :)

Tuesday: i went to dr. tranakas this morning for another follow-up appointment and it went real well. He removed (ouch) the remmaining steri-strips and gave me the official "it looks great and i dont want too see yoou for 6 months! He also gave me my pathology results which he said if i had to get a certain type this was the type to get (although NO type would be the best answer but i will take it). After this jeff and i went for breakfast and then came home for a while before we set out to the oncologist.

Our appointment was for 1:30pm but in true jeff fashion we got lost first so we made it on time. Once in there we didnt have to wait to long and then they called me in and took my vitals and my weight (ugh) and then told me to go sit outside and wait. So after waiting a little bit they called me in and we both went in and waited for the dr. She came in with her assistant and proceeded to check my war wounds and listen to my lungs and declared i was looking great and we could begin chemo sooner than later (depending on yoour personality type you can take this either way). I asked a bunch of questions which she answered and then she told me to get my anti-nausea meds and make sure i take them 30 minutes before i start and reminded me to get fitted for a wig (hmmmmm - o the variety to have to go pick and choose) and remember to eat (not a problem). for those of you who want to know they tested 4 nodes all of which came back negative, clean margins and the type is ER+/PR+/HR-.
So upon leaving her office i felt pretty good and told her i would see her next week (16th). The one thing she did tell me is that on day 2 or day 3 to be prepared for that i will feel like crap, not so much from nausea but from fatigue, this is part of the reason i chose to do my sessions on a thursday so i can havethe weekend to recoop. The only down fall is that the way the sessions fall (once evry 2 weeks) is that this year wont be a very happy birthday but i intend to celebrate 2wice as hard next year :)

After leaving the ofice we went and got the kids and then proceeded to (surprise) cheerleading (the absolute final final event is friday nite)for practice. Once we finished we did a quick walmart run and came home.

Well thats it for now hopefully it answers everything but if i have forgotten anything just let me know and i will answer it or update this blog.


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