
The Morning after

Well it is now 8am and i have been up for an hour and i have to say i feel pretty good. I got the kids ready for school and my girlfirend annamaria picked them up for me (thanks) and then i popped 2 pills and honestly i feel pretty ok. I will keep changing todays post as the day goes on but as of right now i feel ok and am going to go back to bed and get a little sleep.

More later......

So here it is almost 8pm and i have to tell you i feel pretty good. I actually ended up sleeping most of the morning (till noon to be exact) then i got up made some eggs and toast then waited for my parents to come take me to the drs for my neulastin shot. Now i will tell yoou the shot wasnt as bad as i first thought but it is still a shot but alright i will get over it. Then they brought me home and i have been chilling since. The kids had judaica class then karate and then justin is over at his buddy josh's for the nite and jordana is ata brownie event. Jeff took me out for soemthing to eat and now i am going to take my meds and probably hit the hay as i am a little tired.

Anyway again thanks to all of you for everything and to my colleague diana the bear is a big hit!!!!

Love to all,

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