
So after all the bullshit....i had my first chemo treatment

Well hello everyone,

Today was quite an interesting day, first the chemo was off as we were still waiting for the insurance to life some pre-exclusion clause which they finally did at 12:00pm and after that everything happened very quickly. We had to call my parents to go to my place to pick up my anti-nausea pills and they had to meet us at the dr's office by 1pm so it was a little rush rush. Once we saw them and i got my pills i took one and then hung out with barby waiting till we were called in. Then i got called in (barby had to wait in the lobby) and they took a finger prick so they can get my cbc (which btw was all normal) then my blood pressure and then he waved to barby to come join us. We then went into the transfusion room which for those who have never been to a center like thi, its a room filled with chairs and more chairs. We picked out seats in the corner and then we waited....and waited and then Nurse Karen came over and the fun began. For starters she felt the port and said it was very nice....then she swabbed me with 2 types if cleansers and then she jabbed me (it did hurt!) and then she proceeded to try and draw blood but as the port has never been used it was a little tough so she was going to try it at the end of the treatment. She proceeded to put up various bags that contained various meds (saline, adavan, and the chemo meds themselves) i must say in the grand scheme of things it wasnt so so bad (besides the jab thing) and then at the end she was explaining all sorts of things to me andd gave me some more reading material and then we booked our next session and made our way home.

Did i mention they had food there?? Well they did but we didnt eat any as we came with our own stash! (we are the sloven sisters - we never go anywhere empty handed)

I must say thank you to barby for coming with me she was great company, to my parents for being around for all this chaos and even if i dont say thanks all the time i just want you to know it is greatly appreciated :). To shayne thanks for picking up my meds and stuff. To Jeff......what can i say....you are my world. To my kids who dont even see this blog they need to know that part of what keeps me going is that i will be there for them and they are always in my heart. To susie you epihanys make me smile. And to all my friends and colleagues thanks to all of you for being there and helping me to smile.

So now that treatment 1 is over i only have 7 more to go!!!!!!!

I am going to write again over the weekend to keep everyone abreast of whats going on with me.


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