
Happy Thanksgiving!

Well here we are at November 23, 2006 already! Can you beleive it.

Happy THANKSGIVING everyone .. and we all know we have alot to be thankful for this year.

With that said, tonight the Slovens, Rapaports and Pilpels will all be having dinner together at Michelle's. Jeff is the SUPERB cook and takes care of everything as far as the cooking.

Now we cannot forget our SOUS CHEF Michelle, MINI SOUS CHEF Justin and last but definitely not least the MINI MINI SOUS CHEF Jordana!

Today is one of those lazy days where everyone gets to chill and we look forward to tonight to being with everyone.

Michelle is starting to feel less tired and doing great .. she even says her taste is coming back as some items were tasting yucky (YEAH MICH!!).

So from all of us to you hope you have a great one!


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