
The day after the day after

Well i must admit that the first day after chemo was not as bad as i though but the 2nd day after chemo was a little rougher. Luckily they gave me great meds so nausea and vomiting (thank g-d) weren't an issue but the fatigue now that is something else. I woke up yesterday feeling kinda blue for no inane reason but as the day wore on i just kept getting more tired until i had to go lay down and of course i fell asleep for 3 hours.

Barby and my parents came over to visit but i think i ducked out on them but thanks for stopping by :)

Jordana had her scrapbooking party yesterday afternoon and she didnt return till 6:30pm and then jef and i took her out for dinner to roadhouse, as she won an achievement certificate so she wanted to go there. Dinner went well and afterwards we went to get justin from his buddy joshs.

Well now its sunday morning and i must say i feel pretty ok but i will check in later to see if it remains that way.

More later.....

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