
The early birthday :)

It is now sunday night and i must say i have been quite busy the past few days. On thursday we celebrated thanksgiving at our place with my parents, sisters and shayne and i must say jeff really outdid himself in the cooking department...it was totally YUMMMMMY and i even had the tastebuds to go along with it.

Friday was a somewhat boring day as the kids and i hung out while jeff went into the office but they had a good day (who wouldnt have a good day...being out of school). Saturday night we had the babysitter and we went with my family to the blue moon fish company for a pre birthday dinner and it was quite delicious and they even ordered me a dessert which i must say i was surprised but thats another story on its own. I think we all had a nice time and am glad we did it.

Today i went back to the wig lady and got my wig, barby and shayne met me there. I must say that i wore it home and jordana didnt notice the difference, justin said "nice hair" and jeff said it looked pretty good. The funniest part is that after i took it off i put a headband on and nobody even noticed that i had taken the wig off...so it must really look ok :) Then this afternoon i took the kids to see the santa clause 3 which they loved and it had some really funny parts so overall it was a good day. Tonite we met barby and shayne (thanks you thank you)for dinner and then came home to just chill.

Tomorrow i am going into the office (yay) and am hoping i will be there all week until i have my chemo session again (thursday) and then i will work from home, but like i have said before it will be 2 down 6 to go so keep on coounting.

Anyway going to go catch up on some tv so i will chat soon.


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