
I can't believe its November

Today is sunday the 5th of november and i have been home from the hospital for 2 weeks. I must say that i feel 110% better today than i did when i first came home and life here at the rapaport home is definately back to normal. Yesterday Jordana had her Allstar game so we were at the field from 8:30 - 12:30 but lucky for us the weather was windy and cool so it wasnt bad at all. Once we finished there we met friends for lunch and then headed home. Jordana had a brownie outing last night so she was gone from 3:15pm - 8:30 when we picked her up, she stunk like fire and was so wound up it was really quite cute. Jeff and i dropped her girfriend off then took her home and the we went out so you all know i had a good nights sleep. Justin in the midst of all this had a sleepover at his buddys house and was less than thrilled to come home because that meant CLEAN UP and he hates that - o well! Today we all slept in and just took it easy, i answred various emails did some work on the computer and am preparing everybodys stuff for tomorrow. Speaking of tomorrow i am going back to work - yepp its true. My mom is going to pick me up and drive me there for around 11:30 or so and i am going to sit at my desk and see everyone for the first time in 3 weeks, i am very excited and can hardly wait! But the rest of the week i am going to work from home as i still get tired in the later part of the afternoon (i wonder if this is a sign of whats to come in my aging years ;) I am hoping to return on a regular basis the following monday so i think its all good.

Tuesday i have 2 dr appointments which i will update once they happen and other than that not to much to report (without being real boring). Anyway kids are fighting (big surprise) so i need to go seperate them.

Till Tuesday.

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