
Another Day...another doctor appt

Well it is Halloween and i started my day going to Dr. Tranakas's office. Jeff and i took the kids to school and then met Barby at Einsteins for a quick breakfast. After eating we headed over to his office for our 9:15am appointment. We were taken in almost right away and then he came in. He proceeeded to check the wounds which he said are looking great and then he said he was going to remove my drain (yay!!!!!). Then he removed my steri-strips which are covering the port and proceeded to tell me the others will eventually fall off. I have to go back neext tuesday for another check of the steri-strips, hopefully there will be some movement. He also told me i need to do shoulder exercises to make my left arm more mobil.

Once we left there, Jeff went to work and Barby and i started the prosthesis event. We called a few places and finally decided to go to a place in Margate called "A Fitting Experience" The women there were really nice and they even had items for my size (this i will not divulge but i can safely say its not small). After trying on a multitude of bras with various stufffers - they look like shoulder pads we finally found the perfect specimen that was as close as we were going to get. I am very excited i can go out walking now!! In any event i need to go back in a month or so for the silicone version (which btw is quite interesting and yes large)which will be the one i wear for the next little while.

As we made our way back to the apartment for our afternoon appointment we went to get haircuts. They came out quite cute but i have to say i hackeed off quite a bit, but in the grand scheme of things its longer then it will be 2 months from now so who am i to complain. Barbys' looked very cute as well. Hopefully mine will look just as good once i dry it myself :)

Tonite Jeff & I took the kids over to our friends Stacey & Jeff's so they could go trick or treating it was alot of fun and the kids greabbed alot of yummy candy.

Anyway thats it for now. I am feeling good and hope to be out and about real soon.


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