
So it's official....its the summer

Like the title says "it's official...it's the summer" and so far we are off to a good start. The kids started camp last monday and so far so good! I am back at work full time and have been for quite some time and just plugging forward. This past weekend we went for dinner with the pilpels and then the kids went back to see the puppies...which for the most part were quite well behaved except for princess who just barked and barked....i dont think she likes kids :( either that or she just likes to hear herself!

For fathers day jeff made us breakfast and then we just hung out all day and did absolutley nothing!!!! Although the kids talked us into going out for dinner so who are we to argue??!!

Then on monday i had to go to the endodontist as i needed a root canal so after sitting for hours i was finally seen and the verdict was "yep" you need it so i went back today and had it done and i must say so far so good nothing to complain about. I have to go back in a couple of weeks for a different tooth and then i will go get crowns for them - but from what i hear thats the easy part.

We havent been up to too too much but the week after next week i go for a port flush (whoppee) so that should be exciting and of course its our july 4th holiday.

Anyway till then.....or till i have something exciting to say


Oh ya i gave up the wig and do-rag (except for when i drop the kids off to camp)



Well here it is, a little over a week since i gave my blood and i finally called the oncologists office to get the word. And the word is everything came back within range and my tumor markers are a 4. Now if you are like me you might be thinking whats so great about a 4 it should be 0 BUT since the range for tumor markers is up to 35 i will take the 4 and barrel on till August when i have to donate the blood again!! So be happy for me cuz i am happy for me :)

On another note i went to the dentist yesterday and found out i will need a root canal...hmmm not fun but it is what it is and i will plug on through. Thank heavens for dental insurance. All kidding aside in the grand scheme of things it isnt a big deal - thats what i say now i will write once its over. Originally she wanted to do it next thursday but its my anniversary so i pushed it out till after the weekend. I mean really i cant be in pain on my anniversary since i had chemo the day beffore my birthday so this one is mine!!

Today was the last day of school for the kids and now it is time for camp. Monday they start a mini camp then they actually start day camp on the 11th of June. I think they are very excited so we shall see.

Anyway thats it for now.

Love to all,



Here is wishing you all the best from the Pilpels :)

Barby, Shayne, Princess, Hershey and of course Pletzel!

HAPPY BDAY JEFF! And here is an update on me :)





Alright i know its been a while but honestly nothing very exciting is happening! life is going on and i feel pretty good but i will try to give you something exciting.........

Jordanas birthday party.......was a blast she loved it and i have provided some photos. it was at a new place called "sweet and sassy" and i must say the parrty was a huge success.

GOL P4L gala - i went to new york for our annual gala which went very well. it was 3 fun filled nights and 4 days in the big city....my roomate was barby and as always we had alot of laffs!!

Today i went to the doctors for my 3 month post chemo visit, she said i looked great and they took 4 vials of blood asked a bunch of questions and then she sent me to get my port flushed which i must say was the first time i didnt feel a thing (imagine after everything i finally figured out where to put the emla cream!!!)! today is also jeffs 42nd birthday but i must say we arent doing anything as this is what he wants....can u say miserable!

This weekend is our long weekend and we arent doing to much.....jordana is going to have her last brownie meeting for the year....then on saturday she has funky fish which is where she will go snorkeling and wake boarding. Justin is counting down the days till the end of school which btw is next thursday and then the following monday they start camp.

last weekend we went out as a family (minus jeff as he wasnt feeling well and plus jay cuz we needed a seat filler) for dinner to celebrate my dads 65th birthday, it was ENTERTAINING to say the least and a good time was had by most!

Overall life is treating me very well and i feel great and i will try to update a little more frequently but honestly my life is BORING!

Anyhow love to all and i will write again soon.



Dr visit

Well this morning i went to see Dr. Tranakas, nevermind that i got there early (which NEVER happens) and they made me wait and wait........finally they called me in and the appointment was short and sweet. He checked my war wounds felt for anything out of the ordinary then told me i looked great and to come back in September for a mamogram and sonagram :)

I also asked him about my port (for those that dont know it was what the drugs are infused through) and we decided that it was ok to leave it in for a while provided that i get it flushed every 6 - 8 weeks, so i fogure i will do this for as long as i can handle it :)

On Thursday i will be updating the site with pics from Jordanas birthday party so more then.....


Port flush

Well its been 6 weeks since my last chemo session and yesterday i went for my port flush. Walking into the building was a little weird but it was like going to the dr office, i could feel my pressure going up even though i knew what was going to happen. And so like clockwork i went in got my bloodpressure done and then the magic moment...the access of the port. Like to many times before my port was giving nurse Paula a hard time as she needed to draw blood and she wasnt getting any......this was a routine for us but i figured since it had been a while it would of been more obliging..WRONG. In anycase before i went i put on the emla(numbing cream) so the intial poke wasnt bad at all. Once she got what she needed i thought it was over but she did my blood work wrong and rather than bore you with the details i had it re-done and everything was a-OK!

I now dont have to go back till the 17th of may and this will be for a blood draw then i see the dr on the 22nd of may.

More later


And now for the REAL LAUGHS !

Ok so as they say let's get this party started!

I was just telling Michelle over the weekend it has been FOREVER since she has posted so I was happy to see she FINALLY did! Sheesh ..

Well as I am sure you can imagine after almost 2 weeks of not seeing my sister I was in withdrawal, after all we call each other every morning on the way to work, we work together for 8 hours, we call each other on our way home, then usually speak throughout the evening .. Need I say more? People never can understand what we talk about for that long and yet we always have something to say as soon as the phone rings !

I was VERY HAPPY to see her, although I was a bit of a party pooper as by 6pm I was ready for bed :( ... still was jet-lagged.

We had a great day Sunday then it was work Monday trying to choose flowers for our gala which takes place May 15th at the Grand Hyatt New York.

(for those who may be interested you can visit our website for more information: www.giftoflife.org)

Well unfortunately Mich still has the remnents of a cold, but hopefully will go away soon, she is a trooper!

Anyways here are some pictures from Monday in NY ... she looks to cute ... Although she got mad at me .. c'mon ... doesnt she look like one of those pierre la goy dolls?

All the best everyone.


a.k.a Mables, Maria, Flicka!


OK so its been a while.........

Wow time flies when you are having fun! Its been a little over 5 weeks since my last chemo session and i must say i feel pretty good :)

Its been hectic at the Rapaport residence but fun. The kids are out of school this week for spring break and are attending the JCC which allows them to go out and do various activities. Although today they went with gramma and zappa for breakfast and then to a movie. I havent heard too much about it as they have been outside biking since i got home but i am sure i will.

And for those of you who havent heard or need a refresher, on the day of my last chemo seesion they drew blood for the BRCA gene test, well i am happy to telll you that it came back NEGATIVE which is a great thing for the kids and my sisters alike, and me too but i am very glad for them as well.

Other than that not to much has been going on. Kinda boring if you ask me, but boring works!

Anyway not much else (or at least anything i can remember) for now but i will write again soon.


This past weekend i was in New York to meet up with Barby who was coming back from a 10 day trip from France, as usual we had plenty of laffs and even snuck in a play. I would recommend the play as it was quite cute. It was called "the Drowsy Chaperone" and was very funny! We flew home last nite and of course today we were back at work but we had plenty of laffs.

Next week i go for my first port flush since chemo ended , so even though i wont be getting meds i still have to get poked :(

And for those of you who dont know next week is Jordanas 7th birthday!!!!! We are doing a party for a few of her friends on the 26th at the sweet and sassy kid spa


Did you say FONDUE !

Ok so last night we went for what I would like to call a celebratory dinner for Michelle since she completed chemo. Unfortunately not everyone came as Susie had plans and Daddy is in Israel, but none the less we all amused ourselves.

I wanted party hats etc .. but noooooo Michelle wouldn't go for it .. sheesh!

Anyways Mich, Jeff, Mom, Shayne and I went to the Melting Pot and we had a really good time .. the poor waiter didn't know what happened to him as Michelle and I couldn't stop laughing .... it was terrible :)

When we got to the tables there was balloons and a small vase of roses. They all thought I did this .. and I was like .. it wasn't me .. Then I thought was Jeff .... wasn't him either! Turns out the birthday party that was suppose to be seated there never showed up .. so Mom went to talk to them and they told us then it's ours! Talk about embarassment .. but it was very funny! Michelle had that look on her face like -- oh g-d what did they do!

The food was great as was the company ... here are some face pics (again sorry if blurry but only so much I can get from my cel phone!)

Well not much else to add EXCEPT I know I will not be making cheese fondue at home as the smell along with the NUTMEG is enough to make me ill ! ---- feh ;)

Mich and Jeff thanks for letting us tag along last night and hope you guys had a great time! Was fun to see everyone laughing!


Barby ... and my writing sidekick Pletzel!

P.P.S Dad wasn't the same without ya! We miss you.


In case you don't know who Jeff is ... Here you go!


Hi everyone, It's me JEFF, Michelle's husband for those who think i don't exist.It has come to the end of a very long journey. I must admit, I was in awe of my wife for having the strength and perseverance to prevail. We have been through alot in this time and i just want to thank the ones who showed the most support. To Barby, For every building their is a foundation, you showed to me that you can hold through strength, love, support and courage where all others have failed. I am in your deepest debt. You have brought a shined a new light on my face and i will never forget. TO Neil & Linda, Some actions are louder than words. While some actions are minimal you have proven supportive in other fashions and we thank you for that. And to the other members of our family and business associates we thank you for your patience and understanding and we thank everyone for all they could. Now, to the most important person, My WIFE, I still can't believe you have managed to stay focused and strong through these times. You deserve more than a purple heart, and more than i could ever give you. My thanks and devotion will never compare to will and strength you have shown everyone. I wish i could of done more for you but i have tried to do my best. The most important thing in this entire universe is that we are still a family and i could not live with myself if things were any different. I love you and thank you everyone for all you have done.


Dr Visit

Well i have just returned home from seeing Dr. Skelton and it went without a hitch! She checked me out and told me to come and visit her in 3 months! She did give me a prescription for Tamaxofian which once i get will be taken on a daily basis. She also told me to ease back into my daily routine as een though i feel good the fatigue will still be there for a few months. Other than that it was non eventful.

Anyway going to go lay down so till later........


Celebrate good times .. C'mon !

Like the heading says .. CELEBRATE GOOD TIMES .. C'MON !!

Well Thursday was a very exciting day for all of us especially Michelle. I cannot beleive that the last chemo has taken place.

Here are some pictures from that day .. Now I don't want to say anything but MOM and DAD both fell asleep .. although dads was for a minute .. but I caught it. He gave me a HUGE struggle to get a photo .. but we got it! :) Us Slovens have issues with pictures .. lol.

Well now that Michelle is on her way back to getting back to a normal schedule, I want to thank everyone for their support during this time. I know that it meant alot to all of us and especially Michelle.

Michelle as always know how proud I am of you and how well you handled this detour in your life. Your children are truly blessed to have such a wonderful mom and remember NOTHING is your fault when it came to this. I am always here for you and whatever you need all you have to do is ask. I love ya!

With that said, I hope that all future blogs Michelle continues to write are those of happy times and laughter!

Signing off for now,


Well its official session 8 is OVER

Well it is now 6:30pm and i am thrilled to say the CHEMO is oficially over!!!!!!

Its been 4 months since the first session and i am proud to say the i did it! I survied the chemo episode and now i am thrilled to put it behind me. I truly feel that i handled it with great finesse and attitude and i also will be glad to start on the road back to normalacy where i can get back to doing things without the fatigue that usually follows after these sessions.

Today at the chemo lab i had a full house with me so i want to say thanks to:
Mom and Dad - its been a real ride and i want to say that you havve been great and daddy even though you didnt look so hot at certain times you did it and for that i am ever grateful! I LOVE YOU!

Barby - well what can i say to you, you have been like my siamese twin in this long and drawn out endevour but now we can do the fun things and put this episode into our memory books
and start an new memory book of good time as we have a lifeload ahead of us! I LOVE YOU!!

Jeff - thanks for being by my side through all of this andd NOW we can look ahead to the future and all the great things we have coming our way! I LOVE YOU!

Shayne - thanks again for picking up the kids!

To the chemo nurses and staff just a huge thank you for doing the great job you do and i hope others like me will persevere and have only good thoughts of there time in chemo like i do as you women and men do an outstanding job......THANKS

Susie - thanks for your daily calls

And last of all, to all of you who have been riding this journey with me THANKS for all your support along the way and i look forward to only writing good things and happy thoughts from here on in.

I will be putting in pictures later of my last session but i wanted to write this while its fresh in my mind.

I will also be writing next week as i go to see the dr on tuesday so tilll then ciao for now.



Rest of the weekend

Well it is now sunday nite and the weekend is coming to an end. thankfully for me it was uneventful but like in weeks past i will take it. Yesterday we met my parents and barby for breakfast at einsteins and then as if we hadnt spent enough time together we went out for dinner as a family and to tell you the truth it went quite well, the kids behaved and i think a good time was had by all.

Today was a little more on the quiet side but at 4:30 we went over to susies as my aunt and uncle were in from toronto and we did the family visit thing. It to went well and it was nice to see them and share some good laffs.

Anyway i am going to try and figure out how to upload some pictures - jordanas win at the bookstore for her poem so hopefully i will figure it out sooner than later :)

Tomorrow i am hoping to go to work as i feel pretty goood and then i will really begin my final countdown as my last chemo is in less than 2 weeks ......so here is to the countdown and i will write again son.

If i haven't said it enough i want to thank everyone for there well wishes and just for being there.



New Pics!

Ok well it has been a while since we have uploaded some picutures so here you go! These are from Michelle's last chemo 2 weeks ago and dinner 2 weeks ago.

Susie also got a NEW PUPPY - Martini, so she is the dog of the moment! My 3 girls will just have to sit in the wings ;) ... She is very cute although the photo below doesn't do much justice. Enjoy her Susie .. and all we have to say is "It's about time girl! .. welcome to the club !

For Susie's birthday the Pilpels & Rapaports chipped in and got Martini some clothes .. A Juicy style sweatsuit and beaded princess t-shirt! Can you say "gorgeous - dahling!".

Well we have to go get ready to meet everyone for dinner .. but Michelle has been an amazing trouper throughout all this and all we can say is AMEN to that! We are so fortunate that the only side effects she has had throughout this ordeal is tiredness .. so we will take it.

As always Mich I am in awe of you and thanks for being there for me too! I love ya.



Session 7

Well today was session 7 and i must say it went well. Jeff and Barby were there with me and it was pretty uneventful......but uneventful is good! So if you do the math then you know i only have 1 left!!!!!!! 2 weeks and my chemo dates are over....YAY!!!! We will definately have to celebrate :)

On another note tonite we went to Barnes and Noble to watch Jordana get 2nd place in a environmental poetry contest for her grade and i muswst say i was the beaming mom!

In anycase not to much to report right now but i will write over the weekend.

Till then....


Nothin to exciting to report

I had a doctor appointment this week and she said i am looking real good, the lung is working and overall i am in good shape. She also reminded me that i only have 3 weeks left and then i will be done with chemo .....YAY!!!!!

Once the chemotherapy is finished i will be starting a pill called Tamoxifan, and i will be taking this for the next 5 years. This will stop my body from producing estrogen and progesterene. She also informed me that i will be going to see her every 3 months - which i dont mind as she is real nice but then the bad part is that i will have a blood draw at these little visits as well (YUCK).

Other than that she didnt have to much to say...o yah the port (which is how they administer my chemo) has to come out and till it does i will have to go back to there office and get it flushed every 6 weeks so i dont get an infection or worse a clot. I have an appointment in april with my surgeon and i am sure at that time he will let me know when i will have this removed. Although i must tell you that this scares me and i was quite willing to leave it in for life but i dont want to get it flushed every six weeks so i will have to brave it and have it removed.

Tonite jeff and i went for dinner as justin is at his friends and jordana had brownies.

Oh ya and justin lost another tooth!!!!! I will get some pictures up soon (as soon as i figure out how!!).

Anyway not much else.......

More later


Session 6

Well as the title says we can say goodbye to session 6!!! In otherwords i have 2 sessions left (yay!!!). The session itself went fairly smooth and once i got home i took a nap. Now understand the nap was so i could stay up to watch greys anatomy :)

We have had a busy week here at the rapaports, jordana was selling girlguide cookies and btw sold 100 boxes!! Justin joined the story telling club this week, he had to go for an interview and of course he was accepted so as of next wednesday he will be attending meetings on wednesdays after school where he will then read to kids in grade 1 and kindergarten.

Friday came and went uneventfully, which is a goodthing. Jordana had a brownie meeting and we turned in her cookie money to date and then jeff, justin and i went for dinner and killed some time till we had to get her at 8:30. Once we picked her up we went home and i went to bed for what i thought was going to be a good nites sleep.

Well let me tell you i did not get a god nites sleep as i woke up at various times and then at 3:45am i woke up with a headache like nothing i have ever had it felt like my head was going to explode so i proceeded to take 2 tylenol and tried to go back to sleep but awake again at 8 something and the headache was still with me so i got a ice pack and put it on my head and went back too sleep. So rather then bore you with the details today was a right off as i spent most of it in bed and jeff shlepped with the kids (thank you) to there various outings.

Tonite we stayed in and ordered chinese food (not one of my favorites) and watched movies and tomorrow we have a birthday party so until later..........



The rest off the weekend!

Well like Barby said there were no major diversions with the chemo aside that it was very very very long but thankfully nothing unusual! Now i will say that the tiredness was there but believer you and me i can deal with that :)

But aside from my issues my hubby jeff went and injured himself. Let me take you back a little bit......we were having the carpets redone and in our family room we have this 10ft wall unit which needed to come down so the carpet guys could replace the carpet well somewhere along the line jeff was on a ladder and when he went to step back he missed and basically gave himself a level 2 sprain! So between my being tired and his lack of mobility you could say this weekend kindof sucked but o well we have plenty of weekends to do some fun stuff later on. As today is sunday the wall unit is still staring at us in the face but the day isnt over yet!

Other than that not much else to report. Hopefully i will be in the office on tuesday and tomorrow the kids are off to jcc camp as its martin luther king day here in the us so i am signing off for now.

Be well.


Round Two!

Ok so it has been some time since we have written an update so here goes.

Thursday was the start of round 2 chemo for Mich. Mom met us there and I have some pics for you as you will see! We also met a very sweet man named Joseph who kept us company.

What should have been around 5 hours was almost 8 .. this is a long process this round, but overall everything went well. Mich is just dealing with tiredness.

She is also very fortunate as she met someone who is on the same regimen as herself, although this woman had a lumpectomy and will be having radiation. The woman told Michelle that the first round of chemo she was sick as a dog, and vomiting alot. I told Michelle she should thank her lucky stars .. all she is having is tiredness.

Mich also made me look like an A--!! ... She told me this elderly woman that walked in was someone we both knew (although I had never met the woman just know her by name). Michelle got all excited in her chair as she said "Oh my g-d look its xxxxx. She even offered to take me over and introduce me. But I said thats ok, I will go over .. so I did. Needless to say IT WAS THE WRONG PERSON!!!! --- OMG did I feel dumb! ..

We were laughing so hard the nurses told us we were having to much fun. Talk about embarrassing.

Well it's now Saturday afternoon, and Mich is just having tiredness (thank g-d) although they did tell us to possibly expect some bone aches ... so lets keep our hands crossed.

Have a good weekend!


Happy New Years Pictures!

Ok well Michelle updated everyone with our dinner details so here are some pictures. Sorry they are so dark and just head shots but its the best we can do considering a cel phone!

Hope everyone has a very happy and healthy!



Well its official 2006 is over and i must say i wont miss it! Although it started off as a good year it didnt end up being such a hot one overall but out with the old and in with the new.......so farewell 2006 and goood riddance!

The weekend was long but was still nice on saturday we got together with our friends ely and elise and their kids aaron and adam and we had a real nice time, its weird but when we get together it never seems like we live so far apart and i oknow jeff feels like they would of just hung out yesterday instead of months ago. Anyway the kids all had a great time and once i get pictures i will up load them.

New Years eve we had our babysitter rebecca and jeff and i went with the family for dinner it was very nice and we got home at 11:30 and watched the ball drop with the kids who i must say were less than impressed and jordana was a little miffed because she wanted a party with all the fixings!

Today we did absolutely NOTHING and it was great! Tomorrow life goes back to normal as the kids will be at camp, jeff will be at work and i to will be at work.

Other than that not to much else going on so thats it for now but from my home too your may you all have a happpy and healthy new years!
