
The days go by

Good morning,

Well its now tuesday and i have been home for a few days and i must say its been nice. The kids have been great and my parents have really been very helpful so thank you thank you. Sunday night we had the family over for bday cake for justin it went very well. On monday my mom came over and kept me company which was very nice although justin had to picked up from scholl early as he threw up and once home he just slept and slept :(.

Last night i watched the movie "i wore red lipstick to my masectomy" which was really a very good movie but i have to say that watching her go though chemo sort of made me uneasy but hopefully my turn wont be so bad (pray for me!) anyway my home health nurse came today and said everything looks and sounds great (almost feel like a car) but good news is the only news to get!

My parents are taking justin to the dr to make sure he is ok and then will get jordana and bring them home.

I must also tell everyone that Jordana made the All-Star team for Cheerleading - for those who dont know 3 girls per team are picked and they go on to learn a new routine and perform at the cheer-off - she is totally psyched! GO NANA!!!

Anyway thats all for now. Speakl or see you guys soon.


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