
A new voice heard.

Hello, everyone, i'm Michelle's husband jeff. Yes i do exist. I am not much of a talker so until now i didn't have much to say. Especially expressing how i feel, thats not who i am. I just felt from time to time, i should make my presence known. But first and foremost i want to let everyone know that when Michelle got diagnosed, I thought i can only do so much on my own as far as support. But as time past i saw how a select few really came to our side. To my wife Michelle, your strength is inspirational and i am honored to be your husband, if i could steal your pain i would of done so from the first moment we heard. We have been through so many things in our years together, this is just another page in our story and the book is far from over. To Barby, my muse, my guiding light, i never would of thought such a person like yourself would be capable of doing so much in just a few weeks. I wouldn't of known what to do if you weren't there, i would of been lost. You are very special to me and although i never tell you i Love you very much and i am truly humbled by what you have done. I would also like to let everyone else know how much they mean to me, although everyone helps in there own way, i am glad that we are doing this together.

I am very sorry michelle didn't like Gilda's club, she obviously spoke to an idiot. When i went last week, i spoke to a very nice guy and he explained everything to me. i even signed up for journal writing class. When i find a good event or class i will take her with me. Well as i have stated before i am not much for talking. I would like to leave you with this. There is a saying i always recite. SI VIS PACEM PARA BELLUM. its latin, translated, it means if you want peace, prepare for war. With Michelle and Barby and everyone else we will definately be the victors.
Love you all and i will speak to you another time.

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