
Surgery Day

I just wanted to start off by saying thank you to everyone for all your warm wishes for Michelle. We all greatly appreciate them especially Michelle! They truly made her day, and I was fortunate enough to read some of them to her as we waited in Nuclear Medicine this morning.

Today started at 7:30 am where I met Jeff and Michelle at the hospital. Mom and Dad helped out this morning to get the kids ready for school, and what a story Zappa can tell of Jordana (now that's another blog in itself!)

We went to admitting, then up to Nuclear Medicine as the first line item of the day was to test the lymphnodes. I AM HAPPY TO SAY THEY CAME BACK CLEAN !!!! (ya-hoo!).

In Michelle's typical fashion she did wonderful and remained upbeat. She even made some friends as she waited in the waiting room for the dye to kick in.

Towards the end of that I went to see if I could move my mammogram up so I could be with everyone before she went into pre-op. They were able to take me, but unfortunately I did not get to see her before she went in for surgery.

Around 12:30pm Jeff came down as they had just given Michelle some meds and as Jeff says "she was going to visit her happy place".

Around 2:30ish pm the doctor came back to advise she was done surgery, and the lymphnodes came back clean. I was sooooo happy I was ready to burst. This was very happy news for all of us.

Shortly thereafter Jeff and Susie went upstairs to see where they will be taking her as mom, dad and I waited on the floor. Michelle came out, and we joined her in the elevator as they took her upstairs.

She looked great considering (honest). She was so concerned about her hair being put into a headband but she didnt even need it! She said she felt as if she had been run over by a mack track, but then the meds started to kick in. One by one we all went to see her and the pain was subsiding and as it strengthened they had meds to give to her. She was doing very good, and we even got some laughs (mini) out of her!

We all left for the day around 5ish so she could get some sleep as this was a very long day for her.

We will be going back in the morning and checking in on her for the day.

Thanks for everything.

The Rapaport and Sloven clans

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