
Well i am finally home!!!!

Hi everyone!

It is me, Michelle and its official i am home - yay!!!!!! Whoever said the hospital was a restful place really needs to have there head examined, the true rest starts now. I know that the updates have been updated daily so i am not going to repeat it as barby has done a great job and left no stone unturned so a big hug and kisses to her for doing such a great great job....if i havent said it enuf i say it again THANKS for being who you are without you i would be lost. To my husband jeff you have truly gone above and beyond your call of duty and hopefully the ride from here is a little less rocky. To my parents thanks for everything and yes daddy they gave me some pills to take the edge off! To susie thanks for stopping by and NOT wearing your big glasses! To Shayne a big thank you for helping out with the kids and well i still dont see the resemblence. To my friends and co-worker i say kudos to you for all your well wishes and thoughts as they made everyday a little lighter when barby read me your emails and stuff and i look forward to seeing or speaking to you all real soon.

Anyway i am going to go rest a little but will blog again soon.

Luv to all of you,

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