
We have P-H-O-T-O-S !!

Well I wanted to start off tonight's blog by saying THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for making Michelle smile this morning!

I told her how we corrected the blog and created an email address for everyone to write to, as well as a link to click on to email her.

I read her EVERY email this morning .. she was sooooo happy and sends a very heartfelt THANK YOU to everyone who sent emails in for us to read to her since the first day! This of course includes:

From the Gift of Life Family:
Jeff, Suzanne, Dori, Merna, Rusti, Regina, Eddie, Bonnie, Nelly, Nelson, Jay

Michelle's Special Friends and Family:
Aunty Corinne, Hadley and the Baumol Clan, Uncle Freddie and Auntie Francie, Ava and Uncle Ronnie, Shayla, Doreen and Alf, Bonnie, Stephanie, Anamaria, Sima, Neomi, Laurie and Marc

Today was a pretty good day for Michelle. She is still having discomfort on the left side due to a drain but hopefully that one will be removed tomorrow. They will be doing an xray, then removing it for a few hours to make sure the air has come out and then re-do the x-ray again.

Her other drain will remain in until she goes home from the surgery site, and may remain with her at home, in which case a home health care nurse will come to assist in the maintaing of it.

Michelle's appetite is coming back slowly, and I was happy to see her eat at each meal. Not alot but enough. Her drinking is very minimal, but with the fluids they give you at least we know she is getting what she needs.

She was all smiles to day after we read the emails to her, then her NEW room-mate was non-stop talking (poor thing). It was terrible. If anyone knows the Sloven girls, all we have to do is look at each other and its over. It got to the point where once again she was gonna kick us out of the room again for making her hurt!

Again, we are all in amazement at how well she is dealing with this and being so positive, direct and doing what she has to do. She is really amazing.

As Susie, mom and I left tonight, that's all we kept saying to one another. This is a woman on a mission to get home, get better, be with her kids and get on to bigger and better things!

Well we took some pictures of us with Michelle today so I hope it brightens up everyone's day as it did ours.

Now remember this is October, "Breast Cancer Awareness Month". Please make sure to get yourself tested and perform self tests as well at home. This could save your life!

Til tomorrow, sleep well.


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