
Rough Day ...

Here is today's update:

Michelle still has the chest line in, which is causing her a great deal of pain. This was the first time since her diagnosis date that I have seen her cry. The hardest part is all the pain is coming from this not even the surgery site.

I told her I wish I could take the pain myself so she wouldn't have to be going through this .. Today was the first time as well for me where I felt helpless as I couldn't do anything to make her feel better.

Although I did figure out where her room mate from last night was from. We have actually seen her in the streets before .. I tried to show Michelle where .. then she started to laugh .. was in pain .. then we had to stop!

Her nurses over the past few days April and Norma have been so sweet and even told Michelle that she is their favorite patient. April even told her that she is the strongest person she has seen and its ok to cry, she doesn't have to be strong all the time .. she has done that for the past 3 days. (What did I tell ya --- shes a bulldog and takes NO CRAP!).

They gave Michelle some meds to help throughout the day.

Now note, even though she is having this pain, she is still holding up amazing .. this is just a ditch in the road which I truly hope she will be out of by Saturday.

I left her shortly after Grey's Anatomy as we were still waiting to see if we would get her xray results. I wanted to make sure we got whatever we could before I left.

So as I say my goodnight, and asking her if she needs anything which she says no .. I am about to walk out the door and then I see her getting up to go to the bathroom .. now realize the IV drip is still plugged into the wall!! -- NUT JOB.

We help her then we get her re-positioned for bed and they gave her some painkillers to help her sleep.

I hope tonight she sleeps well and tomorrow we hear the line can come out.

Well I am tired and tomorrow I am going back to work .. so speak to you all tomorrow night.

Nite Nite,

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