
Pig Pen in the House ..

Ok for all of you who may not already know this, Michelle's nick-name by her loved ones is "Pig Pen", so for Halloween I thought this image was great!

Now back to Pig Pen did you know:
Before grunge was cool, Pigpen made his debut in the Peanuts comic strip on July 13, 1954 and since then has been the butt of "dirt" gags. He walks around in a cloud of dust, sprinkling dirt on all he comes in contact with. Pigpen is happily messy. He doesn't try to explain it, hide it, fight it. For him, it's just a fact of life. His slovenly ways paid off in 1993 with a series of television commercials for Regina vacuum cleaners which combined animation with live-action.

Well after Michelle mentioned a few times time tonight I have not posted I told her I would go on and do so .. sheesh! Is she pushy or what ;)

Tomorrow morning I am meeting Mich and Jeff at the surgeons office for her post-office visit which I know will go great as she really is doing wonderfully. I know she can't wait to come back to work!! We all miss her.

Next week she also has the oncologist which is where they will tell us what type of chemo they will be giving her. I am trying my best to move the appointment up and see if any cancellations come up as I really want to be at the appointment. So far no luck .. but I am quite persistant and will continue calling the office !!

Mom and I leave for Minneapolis next week so you know my cel phone will be pinned to my ear. Wish me luck in getting our appointment sooner!

Also as a treat, Michelle and I will be getting our hair cut this weekend! Micheal my hairdresser is to much and I know she will love him .. he is very funny.

Well to all of you happy halloween and I will make sure Michelle updates everyone with the details of her appointment.

Nite Nite,
Barby (aka linus)

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