

Well it is official......i made it through my pre-op appointment without one tear! For those of you who know me you should be saying "WOW" you go michelle for the rest of you i am a needle-a-phobic, even after having 2 kids the needle thing freaks me out!!! Anyway Jeff and i dropped the kids off at school and made our way to holy cross for my pre-op appointment which was the regular gammet of blood work and the doctor asking a zillion questions. Had an EKG and then went for a chest xray and even did my pre-register so i am all good to go for mondays big event. After the morning stuff jeff went to work and my mom stayed with me. We went for lunch and then came back to do the mugga scan (a 1 hour episode where they take pictures of my left ventricle to see if it is workng properly) which btw required 2 more needles and some down time. But rather than bore you with the details just let it be known that made it and am now clicking away on the computer.

After we left i came home to susie and the kids and now just wanted to put in something so you could relate to my day (maybe) but this is it for today but i will be back on wednesday after my solo trip to gildas club. till then......

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