

I first want to thank Jeff very much for coming as support on Thursday when I had my ultra-sound. It was not expected but greatly appreciated.

Here is Friday's rundown:

Unfortunately I didn't get to the hospital until late afternoon but Michelle ha a decent day in the morning with discomfort.

She walked the halls several times and sat in the chair for a while which is great!

By the time I arrived the chest tube had just been removed ... She looked like a HUGE weight was off her and starting to come back to the Mich we all know.

Jeff was with Michelle the whole time and again has been a great support for Michelle during this time.

While I was there her surgeon came in to give the GREAT news they got the pathology report results which confirmed the LYMPHNODES WERE NEGATIVE and her MARGINS WERE CLEAN. This was AMAZING NEWS to know it didn't spread. He also advised and confirmed that 2 of the cancers were invasive and one was in situ, which means if they didn't take care of it now it could have spread.

I also got my own ultra-sound results back from my mammogram which also came back negative which was also a great stress releif for the family.

Mom and dad stayed most of the day til dinner, and Susie came after work and the 3 sisters went for a walk down the halls .. It's truly amazing to see everyone come together as a family at times like these.

Shayne came around 8:30pm and the nurse first thought he was Michelle's husband, then when they questioned why she said they looked alike .. then when we told her he was MY husband she asked if he was Mich's son ... OK so she is not the brightest bulb what can I tell ya!

Michelle said to me "I guess the hardest part is done now, I guess it's just the chemo". She is right .. she can do anything and will continue to be positive moving forward.

Before I left Michelle was talking to Rochelle on my cel and I could see Michelle coming back to her spirits etc .. she was even basically booting us out so she could have one of their chat fests! .... I joked .. but to be honest I thank you Rochelle as she looked so happy and couldn't wait for the latest updates from you!

Today (Saturday) they are planning to do another x-ray and if all good she should be coming home later this afternoon.

I'll update everyone once we know.

Thanks and have a great weekend ... just getting ready to head to work.


P.S. ALL GIFT OF LIFER'S IT IS WITH HOPE THAT MICHELLE IF UP TO IT AND GETS DOCTOR APPROVAL WANTS TO BE BACK BY NOVEMBER 1ST ! -- Thanks again for all your support and concern for Michelle. I told her all about your educational lunch yesterday on Breast Cancer hosted by Dori, Merna, Sarah and Nelly. I also gave her everyone's well wishes! Jeff - I even told her you needed your blog!

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