
Gilda's Club

Ok....ok its been a while but shees buy a sister a break!! So here is mmy blog about my nite at Gildas Club. It started at 5:30pm when my mom came over to babysite justin and jordana and jeff and i made our way in the pouring rain to Gildas Club down in Ft. Lauderdale which should of been a no brainer drive turned out to be a long drive due to highway shutdowns. Anyway we got there and i decided to get out of the car in the pouring rain and went to the big red door where a woman opened the door and let us in. The home which the club is located was actually donated by the state and is actually a historical monument. Anyway she led us to a room which was done up in taupes and told us to help ourselves to anything we wanted in the kitchen (lucky for her we weren't hungry or we might of taken her up on the offer.) So we wait in this room and fill out some papers and then a few more people come in. Rather then bore you with those details i will tell you that the woman who led our group herself is a 15 year cancer survivor and she was very nice. Our group had 6 famillies including ourselves. The other people had various illnesses and were at various stages but it was quite calming to see others like myself going through something and having there family with them :) Jeff is actually going back on Friday and i am going back next Wednesday for my one-on-one consultation to see what if any groups i would be interested in going to. I did eplain that i am having surgery opn the 16th but i can go anytime before or after. So this blog isnt overly full of vim but o well whats a girl to do!

Anyway not much else to report.

Barby i miss you..the offfice is soooo blah without you :(

C U Soon.


PS. I will blog again on monday after my pre-op appt.

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