

Good morning,

Well i must admit i had a great nights sleep - i slept from 11 till 7:22 without having to get up to give my blood pressure or have my temperature taken - this is livin! Anyway the home health nurse just called to advise she would be here between 10:30 - 11:30 this morning.

For those of you who dont know today is Justins 8th birthday - happy bday baby!!!! He even made me breakfast this morning and who knew toast could taste so good. They are going to wilt's this afternoon for lunch and to play games and then later today the family is coming over for cake.

So the home health nurse was here, she was very nice, told me my war wounds are looking nice and that she would be back on Tuesday. Ok see you then :)

Jeff took the kids to Wilts for lunch and then they were going to hang out and play some games - wish i was there but there will be next time, so my folks are here keeping me company.

Anyway not much else to report so ciao for now!


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