

Well it is now Thursday nite and i am watching ugly betty with justin and decided to give a little update. The home health nurse was here today and again said everything looks and sounds good (yay) and then my friend Barbara (Barbie to me) flew in from Toronto to spend some time with me 4 hours to be exact! Talk about a whirlwind but it was great it was like old time, just the two of us talkking and laffing and best of all GOSSIP!!. In anycase Barbie thank you thank you thank you it was a nice treat.

My little one (nana) got strep throat so she is at my folks having a sleepover and will be back home tomorrow afternoon (24hours) WE MISS YOU!!! Feel better.

Tonite is Greys anatomy andd i am trying very hard to stay up so i can watch this, i mean lets be real the eye candy is totally yum yum!

Anyway i just want to say thanks to everyone for all there emails and gifts, it really means alot...so kudos to all of you.

Anway gonna go and get ready for Greys.

Chat soon,

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